Names at Wagar High School

This analysis of names at Wagar High School was done with Wagar High School yearbooks from 1965 to 2005 (over 9000 names). You can do your own searches here:

: :

Family Names

Of note:

    290 *stein* (anywhere in name)
    249 *stein (at end of name)
    141 *vitch (at end of name)
    214 *vitch + vich + vitz + vits + vici (variations)
   1020 Jewish Sample Note: 1993 and 1999 drops

The Age of Patel:


Look up origin of family names:

Given Names


     48 Alan, 46 Allan, 15 Allen, 9 Alain
     77 Stephen, 105 Steven, 25 Steve
     38 Larry, 25 Lawrence, 8 Laurence

The rise and the fall of...

    Gary (but look, 4 in 1976 and 3 in 1978!)
    Shari (what happened in 1961?)

Watch the rise of Jennifer and Jason:



    hyphenated names
    hyphenated last names - very recent trend